Monday, October 1, 2007

The Inflatables to Race BCBR

That's right, after having experienced the '06 Transrockies, then sitting out a year and hearing of the amazing experience had by Team Winded (who are back again), I couldn't stay away from the event any longer.

Uncle Mike has registered to race the 2008 BC Bike Race!

At this point, no partner has been confirmed, though a couple are considering.

Not especially excited about the long training hours that lay in store, but this does give my training a sense of purpose and a large goal to work towards.

Training plan is expected to consist of a variety of sports including lots of MTB (of course), some road riding, swimming, skate skiing, VR stationary, shoeshoeing and trail running. Hopefully a little more health focused for this event (i.e. diet and sleep).

Hoping to once again enlist the guidance of Ray Zahab (yeah, the guy that ran accross the Sahara) to help keep me on track.
Too early to really set an objective, yeah I want to do well, but mostly to experience more of the west coast, amazing singletrack and challenge.

More soon,
