Sunday, December 9, 2007

Inflatables BCBR Team confirmed

I'm pleased to have Stuart McIntosh join me for this event.
A team with like-minded goals, though different ages and physiques, we're committed to undertaking this challenging event.
Though finding a compatible teammate can be a challenge, several people have come forward wanting to do the long training rides with me.  (what the h??? - those aren't supposed to be fun)
So while the focused training has yet to begin, I look forward to getting out to do a variety of sports for the next couple of months to build a cardio base and start getting used to the workload.  With lots of snow on the ground, for now it's skate skiing, snowshoeing, some swimming and a little stationary.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Winter Training

Well training has begun, sort of. Now doing the Preparation phase of base training for BCBR. The plan is to snowshoe, skate ski, swim and ride the stationary until back on the bike outdoors, likely in March. Considering a pasturized version of Dre's training plan for later, but for now it's keep active, improve base and lose some weight.

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