Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 6

A little further back in the start gate than ideal, we worked our way through the pack in the first few kms of asphalt climbing as we left town. Then into the woods. Already in a reasonable position and going strong, there were minimal hold ups and we gained altitude on doubletrack and fast flowing trails. Then a boardwalk over a bog. You had to balance but no major log jams. Then back to some up and down climbing through mixed technival trails. We were amongst some good riders and I felt for one of the first times in the race, that we were where we belonged in the field. Steep sandy climbs would appear and you'd have to resist temptation to walk, encouraged by the peer pressure of the riders ahead and behind. As I paused to wait for Stew ( and take a leak), I recalled our team discussion the night before, and decided to take the opportunity to spread by wings on the technical terrain. Originally climbing, then flying through some very steep, sandy, and technical descents, I was amongst some very strong riders with whom we hadn't really ridden to this point. Most were all of similiar levels with the occassional person who was evidently more fit than technically competant. They would hold up the pack for a while but then you could eventually get by and hammer through some pretty rough and steep sections - with only feet between you. On one particularly steep and narrow descent, a thin person went down quite hard in front of me, but before I had time to yell "coming through" they'd partially clipped in and were bouncing through the next portion. When the trail turned to a fireroad descent they started to motor. At that point I realized it was a female team. The team immediately got into formation and picked up a very fast pace which I opted to draft versus trying to overtake. They meant business!!
As I commenced up a climb I could see the feed station so pulled over to eat, stretch and encourage passing riders while waiting for my partner. (Feed stations have a rider check-in and a separation of over 2 minutes gets you a 1 hour penalty.). I watched as riders which I'd overtaken worked there way by - some of whom seemed surprised to see me standing there in a relaxed manner. Everybody that went by seemed to be working hard and competing. Before too long Team Winded went by. They looked a little winded but determined. I did make it a point to mention the 6 minutes which I'd surrendered by waiting, (but who's counting...) And expected that it may provide some motivation for the major climb ahead.
When Stew joined me we went through the feed station and began the climb. My legs were now cold and I felt powerless. Stew climbed strong as I tried to go into reserve mode and just complete the 40 minute or so climb then would catch him on the DH. His pace didn't slow and eventually he was out of sight. As the top FINALLY approached, a final surge. "Snap!" My chain broke. Now my catching up and not costing the our team time was in question.
After a rather long and complicated chain repair (where a tonne of teams went by) I was back on the bike with a mission. Must catch Stew! First I hammer down the wooded trail which was about 6 feet wide and scattered with loose grapefruit and smaller-sized rocks and gravel. Rider by rider I overtook a multitude of teams. Next was steep, large rock, root, and drop scattered technical descending. I felt like a skier on a steep mogal run and I danced the bike over, between, and around the obstacles on my mission. Normally more cautious, it was thrown to the wind as I flew through the terrain faster than I probably ever have. When slower riders finally surrendered their position, I disappeared ahead and scampered through the next portions. YEEEHAWW!!! Then steep sandy descents with switchbacks, some cheering spectators on the hillside, and more wooden bridges. As I approached what I assumed was the end - it was STEW!! No time was lost. Then the feed station, more technical, and down towards the finish. A bit longer than expected the last few kms consisted of high speed bike paths and a few rd crossings. Stew elected to overtake a team and we powered into the finish. There were our families, waiting to greet us after a week apart.

A nice evening and dinner out, I thumb in the last few keys and rest for the final day tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

sent by Blackberry


bent said...

Happy Birthday Mike! Your blogs have been great. We've really enjoyed them. Hope the end of the race goes well.
The Bents

Iain Rad said...

Happy Birthday Mike!! What nice way to spend your B-day.

The race sounds like a lot of fun. Great job Stew and Mike.

Unknown said...

I forgot it was your birthday - happy birthday, sounds like you really enjoyed your day.

Sounds like you both had a great ride 6!

Brent said...

What an intense re-cap of your day!

Peter M said...

You should have told us it was your birthday! Great race Mike. Looking forward to your post on Day 7 and a summary. I'm sure glad not to be on the bike today.