Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crank The Shield - Day 0

So here we are in Bracebridge Ontario, the night before the first CTS. It's a 3 day mountain bike stage race starting in Buckwallow and ending in Haliburton. Where the hell we are in proximity to anything else, I have no idea. Somewhere near the Moskoka's (Toronto cottage country). Due to a scheduling conflict my wife and much of our riding group are spending the weekend at a B and B in Vermont in trail heaven; great riding, nice dining and relaxation. Meanwhile I'll race with strangers for 6 hours a day and sleep in a unheated bunkhouse with a dozen other farting guys.
Originally I secretedly signed up to race with my buddy Iain, on his singlespeed. When he pulled out due to their pregancy, I revealed that I'd entered. Fortunately Stew (of BCBR) recruited his friend Dan to enter. We loaded up the Xterra (just like the brochure with 3 mtbs on the roof) and drove up together. A 6 hour drive (with construction) but scenic and I just turned where told to, so no thinking involved. They'll be racing as a team while I entered solo.
Tonight we're staying a their friend's, (Ken's) place, who were nice enough provide us with comfortable accomadations. We met his lovely family and started organizing our gear. Somewhat uncertain as to what to fit into the one bag as the temperature could vary 20 degrees during the day.

Prep and goals...
Wasn't motivated to train so I spent the summer riding for fun then took a few days break to prepare. Will likely show in the results but I'm mostly interested in enjoying the ride, not on a top performance. Actually not nervous at all about the event which is kind of nice. Looking forward to ride same new trails, meet some new people and have a new experience on my bike.

When I return to the office on Monday I will have experienced something on the weekend that will last a lifetime.

Thanks for reading, please post your comments and I hope that you enjoy the posts.

Race starts at 10:00, so up at 7:00 and away we go!!!

Uncle Mike

sent by Blackberry

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