Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fruita, Day 1

KFC sucks!

Staying at a basic motel in the small town of Fruita. Saturday we rode Shoots and Ladders, Zippity Do Da and related. It's narrow single track on rocky eroding ledges and mountains. Visualize the last place you'd want to hide in an old western movie - riders dotting the ridgeline. You feel atop the world as you keep your wheels centered in the fast ribbon of singletrack that seams along the spine of dirt and rock pertruding high up out of the canyon floor. Adreneline rushes as you crest a ridge, re-sight the trail and surge down steeply in and shoot back up. When you're not focused on the trail you see the plains with massive ridges pertruding. In the distance a panarama of mountains and rock landscape accross the apparent wasteland of sand, rock, tumbleweeds. Oh, and cattle. Lots of verticle with fast downhills and caught some great video. Met up with a group from Leadville who showed us the best routes. Meeting them again today to shuttle and ride in Grand Junction.

More later,

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1 comment:

The Vegan Vagabond said...

sober up and tell us more! ;)