Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 3 completed

Hi all

The day started early at the Best Western. A better, but short night sleep, followed by a nice breakfast then outside to catch the shuttle to the race at 7:27. But no shuttle. We managed to hitch a ride with a local woman and her family in her van. Managed to get the last spot at the back of the peloton.

Now to this point you've probably heard some frustration in my tone. Fact is that I'm on vacation doing the sport that I love. It's been a long time preparing and very expensive, so I am truely trying to make the most of it, and yes, I am enjoying myself.

Now for the ride. A controlled lap around the running track then police escort through the streets of the town of Port Alberni.

We passes several dozen teams leading to the trails, hoping ti improve the flow of the ride.
Then into some great trails, fast rolling slightly graded, but congested with riders. A few steep climbs and long slight grades on double track. We felt pretty good and spent much of the day progressing through the field. Temperatures heated up throughout the day but were managable. Familiar faces and conversations as we encountered riders all day. Still mostly fireroad and dbletrack to this point. Don't they call this the Ultimate singletrack experience???

To be continued... (I'm falling asleep)

Tomorrow we're up at 4:00 to catch a ferry to the mainland. Will try to write then

sent by Blackberry

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 2

Another 6 hours and 44 minutes in severe heat.

The day started a little later as we decided to get some groceries and have breakfast at the hotel. (The race provides tents, but we opted for real beds and our own washroom). Logistically the hotel has taken some adjustments but the process is getting more efficient. Once yoiu cross the finish line (always long awaited) you're standing there filthy, tired, hot, and sweaty. For hygiene and health reasons you need to clean up ASAP. But there is just you and your bike standing at the finish line surrounded by a sea of activity; with various sports fields, tents, music, water jugs, etc. In the last two days my process has evolved to immediately finding my bag (and Wet Ones) and changing to some loose clothing. From there you need to figure out about washing and tuning your bike, getting something to eat ASAP, claiming a tent, hotel transport (and what), when is dinner, how much time do you have, etc. After nearly 8 hours of riding these chores can seem complicated, but getting better. The morning is similiar. But to the ride.
Lining up with Team Winded we discussed a strategy of working as a unit to complete the 125 km. The gun fires and there was a 10km rolling start. Hundreds of bikes in close proximity going through town then onto the country roads. It's quite dangerous in that a slight slow-down or maneuvre gets amplified through the group and can result in brakes being slammed on an spandex hitting the dirt-hard! A slight glimpse away and it can happen to you. I glanced today just as the guy ahead (18 inches) hit his brakes, I somehow reacted, lifting my rear tire, but could have caused a pile-up.
Anyway, group pacing on dirt roads, then it fanned out. On poor guy on the side of the road with a torn jersey and pink road-rash injuries searing with frsh pain. Going slightly ahead I watched Turbo and Stu 2, awaiting the gap to close so we'd ride together. Unfortunately Stew wasn't with them. So I pulled over until he joined me and the team effort began. Feeling quite fresh, we hooked up with a group, but the pace seemed very light to me. I was able to move about the group at will, without taxing my reserves at all. As much as I wanted to be conservative, somehow I could glide by the line of drafting riders and still keep a H.R. around 115. To be honest it was very liberating. My pulls at the front weren't necessarily beneficial to the group as I wasn't similiarly affected by grade changes, resulting in group splits.

As it was so hot, extra self serve water stations were set up and capitalized on. In Transrockies, we would run through, quickly splash-fill our Camelbaks, stuff a Clif Bar or banana in our faces and ride off, chewing the food over the next kms.
Doing this kept you more competitive with only a few minutes of stop time over the whole day. It's different this time, with a far more casual refueling process which involves us each doing our thing then meeting up when ready.

After losing our riding group (which included a team of 6 Mexican riders), I recognized that with such hot weather required us to join up with others (a group draft situation will result in much higher speeds at a much lower effort, ex. 3+kph x 6 hours could be nearly an hour saved on the day. )

Today it wasn't to be. We worked to capture riders in the distance which would typically stay with us for a while then fall off, until we finally joined a large group - right before a feeding station! My work was done and I was feeling the strain - for the remainder I resolved to do our own pace and let it work out however. With a couple of hours to go, something got a hold of Stew and drained him. (My prognosis is dehydration...). Still his never-die attitude kept him working very hard throughout the day. While BCBR is all about great trails, today was definitely the exception. Hot, dusty and loose gravel roads with hills that don't have large altitude gain, but are tough regardless. So we rode and rode, and rode some more. Worth noting that while the terrain is boring the scenery, for the most part, was exceptional. Bridges crossing narrow gorges, snow dotted mountains quilted in fingers of evergreens, leading down to calm fresh-looking water. Then another arse goes flying by in their truck leaving a cloud of dust.

I repeatedly crossed the same riders, including some Ottawa teams the Mexicans, and others in varying stages of suffering. Regardless of any inbalance in the teams, this was where their cumulative issues and strengths had them placed in the race. Fast forward to a couple of kms of beautiful singletrack then through town to the aforementioned situation at the finish.
Though a poor showing in standings, a very tough day of riding.

Now I lay in bed, gear organized for tomorrow and alarms set for 5:30. The route promises to be what we came here for. How we address it is what we can control.

Thanks for the comments.

Uncle Mike
sent by Blackberry

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 1 Race Report

Wow, quite a day.

After flight, luggage, and transfer delays, we finally arrived in the beautiful boarding school campus of Shawnigan Lake. Despite our proactive efforts, we were pretty well the last team to sign in and complete the registration process, some 33 hours after heading to the Ottawa airport. Frustration was coming to a head as we tried to comply with bike assembly, lock-up, dinner and mandatory team meeting deadlines. Not feeling particularly patient or social during dinner as we met other teams and riders from around the world (Mexico, Japan, South Africa, New Zealand...) and I yearned for the presentation to end the way a school kid counts the seconds to the recess bell.

As things worked themselves out and we sat on the lawn assembling our bikes, complications weren't quite over yet.
Despite having a fleet of immaculately maintained mtb's, the "chosen one" arrived with a brake caliper that wouldn't retract and a bottom bracket bearing that makes a metal whurring noise. Now, the riding group back home knows that I refuse to let anyone else work on my bikes, but given the circumstances - that rule was suspended and the brakes were adressed (which I later re-adjusted).

Finally things were in order and we returned to our dorm room for final next day preps and for some sleep. Unfortunately the beds didn't have any linen, so a quick-dry towel and fleece had to suffice. After a night of very little sleep and a lot of being cold, 6:15 am alarms were ringing and we arose.

Met more riders during breakfast including a rider who Wally (from our ride group) had assisted in a night lap of the Solstice race the prior weekend.

Unusually prepared, I watched Stew stew over his final preparations for the day. Then to the start-almost.
As the therapist worked on Stew's back to limber him up for the day, the entry line grew - quickly! Unable to check in without him, we entered the gate nearly at the back of the entire field. I stood in dread as I envisioned the multitude of riders that we would have to work our way through, through congested singletrack, until we would arrive at our proper seeding ( which I expected to be about 100 teams ahead). Side note - between the hundreds of hours of preparation and endless gram shaving efforts, getting caught at the back of the field just made no sense to me. Conversely, having a race partner who was in a state to race, did.

Start gun fires and we eventually pull away. Rounding the first lap through the campus we go across a freshly cut hay field, littered with riders with damaged drivetrain??? What, who would have thought that hay could neutralize these marvels of engineering achievement.? There's Shamus Magrath, World Cup racer and Olympian, walking trailside to his partner's aid. Are they going to work their way back to the front? Dust, a sea of riders and bikes; having a hard time keeping track of my partner, but quite sure that he's not there. Paused for a while, then headed back. There he was bike inverted and tugging at the derailleur. Meeting, I note the problem and we address it (as riders whurr by). Then moments later a similiar problem. Since we've been circuling the campus, we divert from the course and to the bike shop, as the field of riders carry on their way. The mechanic provides a quick-fix and we head out again. Passing a few we do a final pass through the starting gates as people cheer (at what, I have no idea, but I'm not yet panting and we're near dead last...). As we try to regain contact with the field, Stew's derailleur is snapping and skipping like; well like Geoff's. We stop again and I fumble through my kit for the tools for an eyeballed trailside fix. Rolling again we quickly join a gathering of riders who look more like they're in line at Disney World than 20 minutes into a MTB ultra endurance race. As I waited for people to determine how to navigate a technical difficultly that I saw as about a 2/10, only to get off and give every other rider behind the same contemplation opportunity, the pot was near boiling over. As a seasonal cyldesdale (athlete over 200 lbs) I have to overcome the reality of physics with fitness, but I am at home on technical riding and can quickly gain time without effort.
Therefore watching this transpire, the ensueing couple of hours had me considering yelling out profainities rather than being the curteous participant that I felt forced to portray - rightly so. (If you've read the prior posts, you probably have a better understanding). Anyway, climbs finally came where we should be able to reposition, but man it was hot. A litre/ hour still couldn't properly hydrate. Stew was strong and steady as I watched for signs of his recent back injury which never surfaced. His appropriate approach of measured caution established our pace and gradually we worked our way through the field. With moderate inclines my gravitational challenges were limited and suddenly much to my surprise, "Hey Mike!". It was Stu 2 (Turbo's partner of team Winded). I'd pictured them showered and floured, standing at the finish as we dragged our sorry asses accross the finishing line, with a patronizing "good job" and "how did you find it?" As we collapsed at the line.

Apparently there were cramping issues which raised havoc and resulted in a sustained struggle. So Turbo and I chatted as we spun along, similiar to how we would on any Tuesday ride 5000kms east.
At the top of the hellishly hot, seemingly never ending, rocky and lose, steep, rutted singletrack (littered with walking rides and the occassional pedaler (both genders) for whom we'd cheer and live vicariously through for a few brief seconds, finally the water station. Running low on some fluids (which we later found out went dry before all parched riders arrived, we loaded are Camelbaks. Stu 2 was in hurting shape and we bid them farewell as the descent began. Steady paced, mostly descent we went strong as the remaining kms ticked by. Stew observantly noted a sharp turn where the trail diverted to a more freshly cut (not so downhill) section. We alerted a couple of other female riders who appreciated the notice. Spectacular views of ocean, village and mountain as we flew down dirt roads towards a former railway bed. Arriving at the trail, we set a pace to steadily complete the final 25 Kms. As we over took 2 more riders - wait a minuted that is Stu 2 and Turbo????? There's no way I would have missed them going by, is there? The sharp turn! (Got that Brad?).
Turbo confirmed a 2 km section with flags which a whole group took. Personallly I don't care about the rankings, but there are other categories where our estimated 10-15 minutes detour would affect top 10 standings. Drafting with us for 5-10 km, Team Winded gathered their composure and abandoned us, never returning the aerodynamic favour!
With only each other, we counted down the km's to the finish in Lake Chowichen (sp?), welcomed by the support of citizens roadside. Dinner sitting beside Chris Eatough (5X World solo 24 hour champion) who after the early mechacal somehow worked his way back to a fourth place finish!
As we finally refueled (continue to address cramps with hydration), we then checked the standings. Not great from a position standpoint (109 overall and 59/102 in Open Class), but a formitable 6 hour 44 minute performance nonetheless. I did note, however, the smiling result of Team Winded, just 4 minutes ahead. Who knows what else they are capable of???

Tomorrow a 125 stint of very dull fire and logging roads in more heat. Group riding will be key and it will be tough!

11:40 now, a final gulp of water, then to sleep...

sent by Blackberry

Friday, June 27, 2008

Anyone seen our luggage?

We're here in Victoria; apparently Turbo and his Stu are in the same hotel, possibly bikeless. After delays which included a bout in 1st class to TO, 2 x 1000m sprints between terminals, then sandwiched in a middle seat for a long flight with my stomach snarling; Stew and I have arrived! Bike and luggage are probably doing circles on the conveyor in St. Johns. Would be nice to sort that out before the race...

sent by Blackberry

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day -1, 2:30 pm ET

So we're sitting in the airport awaiting the delayed flight due to a mechanical, after a hurried and stressful gear packing session. Funny how we've had 8 months to prepare but it still comes down to the last frantic minute.
Mentally going over what we packed, what we forgot, what's needed.
Had to remove some gear to fit it all in a single duffle bag to last the week. Slightly fewer conveniences than my comfort level. Almost all clothing is light weight, wicking, quick dry, hydrophobic, teflon, bulletproof or some other high tech athletic related material. Other than Merino wool, no traditional materials to be found. (I've heard that cougars don't like the taste of lycra). I have a freezer bag vacumn packed with bike shorts, gloves, socks and a jersey for each day. The last thing you need to worry about before heading to the start is finding that stray sock. Jeans and sandals will await with my bike box on Day 7.

Just got word that the flight will be delayed approx 2 hours, making it tight for the connecting flight - growl.

More later,

UM and Little Stew
sent by Blackberry

Let the vacation begin!

Hi All
We've been training hard all year, and now on Thursday we head to Victoria, BC to get ready to enjoy the reward for all of our work - racing our mountain bikes for a solid week on the west coast!
650 km's of trail and over 11kms of vertical gain should provide 7 epic days of some of the best mountain biking on the planet with some of the top racers in the world.
My partner Stewart (also of Chelsea) and I are ready to roll!
Race Date: June 28 - July 4, 2008

Location: Victoria to Whistler, BC, Canada
# of Teams: 150 teams of 2, 20 teams of 4
After posting daily blog updates from the Transrockies in 2006, I was overwhelmed by the positive feedback.
So much in fact, that nearly a dozen people have asked me to do it again.
So... following each stage, I'll try to write up a report which will be posted on: <>
I'll try to keep it descriptive and interesting, so I invite you to make it part of your morning routine and join us in our adventure!
For more info on this event, check out <>
Also check out our spin-off team's (just kidding) blog:   <>

Keep in mind that it will all be done on a Blackberry after 4-8 hours of riding, 5000-7500 calories burned and 20,000-40,000 revolutions per leg/day.  It may contain typo's...
Sign up on the site and post your feedback, questions, etc.
Let the vacation begin!!!!!
"Uncle" Mike
Team Inflatables

sent by Blackberry

Monday, June 16, 2008

BC Bike Race Ready

It's been a good Spring with lots of training.
Stew had a bad crash a couple of weeks ago, leaving his participation in question.  Then yesterday we did over 160 kms at 24kph, climbing Mont Saint Marie.
24 Hour team race this weekend, then four days later, off to Victoria.
Let the adventure begin!