Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day -1, 2:30 pm ET

So we're sitting in the airport awaiting the delayed flight due to a mechanical, after a hurried and stressful gear packing session. Funny how we've had 8 months to prepare but it still comes down to the last frantic minute.
Mentally going over what we packed, what we forgot, what's needed.
Had to remove some gear to fit it all in a single duffle bag to last the week. Slightly fewer conveniences than my comfort level. Almost all clothing is light weight, wicking, quick dry, hydrophobic, teflon, bulletproof or some other high tech athletic related material. Other than Merino wool, no traditional materials to be found. (I've heard that cougars don't like the taste of lycra). I have a freezer bag vacumn packed with bike shorts, gloves, socks and a jersey for each day. The last thing you need to worry about before heading to the start is finding that stray sock. Jeans and sandals will await with my bike box on Day 7.

Just got word that the flight will be delayed approx 2 hours, making it tight for the connecting flight - growl.

More later,

UM and Little Stew
sent by Blackberry

1 comment:

The Massicottes said...

Good luck Uncle Mike!
Love Matt and Drew