Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 3 completed

Hi all

The day started early at the Best Western. A better, but short night sleep, followed by a nice breakfast then outside to catch the shuttle to the race at 7:27. But no shuttle. We managed to hitch a ride with a local woman and her family in her van. Managed to get the last spot at the back of the peloton.

Now to this point you've probably heard some frustration in my tone. Fact is that I'm on vacation doing the sport that I love. It's been a long time preparing and very expensive, so I am truely trying to make the most of it, and yes, I am enjoying myself.

Now for the ride. A controlled lap around the running track then police escort through the streets of the town of Port Alberni.

We passes several dozen teams leading to the trails, hoping ti improve the flow of the ride.
Then into some great trails, fast rolling slightly graded, but congested with riders. A few steep climbs and long slight grades on double track. We felt pretty good and spent much of the day progressing through the field. Temperatures heated up throughout the day but were managable. Familiar faces and conversations as we encountered riders all day. Still mostly fireroad and dbletrack to this point. Don't they call this the Ultimate singletrack experience???

To be continued... (I'm falling asleep)

Tomorrow we're up at 4:00 to catch a ferry to the mainland. Will try to write then

sent by Blackberry


Brent said...

Again, enjoyed the posting (Lisa too). I'm looking forward to your comments on the Sunshine Coast trails - the long tedious stuff should be behind you now!

Wally said...

I like reading your post. Now you will hit the nicest trails on the planet between Squamish and Whistler. Have fun and ride like an Inflatables!