Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 1 - part 2

It's a beautiful and cool morning at camp Kandalore.
There is a loneliness in the end of season at a summer camp. The children are back at school and soon the docks, boats and other equipment will be stored away for another Winter.
Last night's meal was fantastic with several people commenting on the mount of food on my plate which I referred to as my roast beef sundae.
Awards were given and a course preview followed. People chattered over the expected longer day of mud riding thatay in store. Overkill received a second place for his crazy time of 4 hours, while B&S also got a second in their cat. (2 loons just flew by as I sit with the pictured view writing this).
The feast was followed by heading early to bed. In our cabin was BurnE, Stew, Turbo and me.
Some camaraderie was followed by Turbo's snoring which according to Stew lasted all night. At one point I awoke soaked in sweat. The problem being that it was near freezing, so pretending out of the wet sleeping bag quickly became less comfortable.
Laying in bed pondering a restroom break, the alarms began at six am. Shortly thereafter 3 of us heading towards the dining hall while Stew tried to get some sleep.
A big breakfast followed by the angst of preparing for another big day. This includes repacking, the important bathroom sessions ( a gunshot just rang out in the distance), water refills, etc. No matter how rehearsed, these are always bait of an ordeal.
I walked out onto the dock and stood in solitude, giving thanks and taking in the beauty.

Seems that it's time to head out. They'll be another report tonight.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done Iain!!! I knew you could follow the top-gun... because you are one. Stew & BurnE, let's consolidate 2nd place and then go after those Toronto high-flyers in1st. Are you telling us that shooterman and sugarboy missed the start on day#2 ?!?

Enjoy the ATV track... I must say I had awesome moments last year on the second day. Wally