Monday, July 2, 2007

Team "Winded" mail-Blog day1

Just a quick note folks. Went really well as we were in 'pacing' mode , we
finished in the middle over all today.

Highlights: loamy tight singletrack, 500 fireroad dowhill, people very
friendly (met Jeff who was at Mike's party, had no idea he was here), we
didbt have energy crises and finished happy,

Lowlights: too much fireroad, Stan's tubeless kit flatted for Stuart so now
he's tubed,( poor guy on my back wheel got sprayed with latex) sore little
toe for me, we are already sick of **so** much eating.

Time in saddle was 6 1/3 hrs, 108km, 1450m vertical.

Tomorrow is a bigger day (raining :-( ). And they keep getting bigger.

For the mto folks, Stuart met a guy named tim from Brockville who lives @
Butternut Bay and who lobbied the gov for the noisewall we built there a few
years ago

BC is beautiful

Trevor and Stuart
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Subject: T-Blog (Day minus 2)

Hi folks,

Well, after training all winter for the CSM, the Keski, and then this spring
for RL 'challenge', time is up, 170hrs of saddle time, team 'Winded' starts
its 7 day Mountain Bike race on Canada day, geared up for ~550km of
horizontal and ~11km of vertical trail riding from Victoria to Whistler.

Assuming my thumbs won't be too tired to send out an email everyday, please
let me know if you want to be dropped from the "T-Blog".

Special thanks during training and race week goes out to Ana and Heather,
spousal units extraordinaire in their support of Stu and I in our training,
done with grace and understanding, all the while not filing for divorce even
once!! And of course to our kids who, although sometimes have trouble
recognizing us, will very much be missed this week; Sam, Sophie of my loins,
and Nathan of Stuarts loins (we think).

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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