Sunday, July 8, 2007

Team Winded FINAL Day 7 trip report

Well we finished!

The morning started out on a sad note. Trevor's beloved Blur had a sheared
titanium pivot swing arm. No spare parts, the bike was not rideable. It
explains why the bike felt 'funny' on the big downhill on Day 6. So the
organizers scrambled to find a replacement, and a Specialized Enduro (like
my previous two bikes) was donated by another racer who couldn't finish - so

Because of this we were the *last* riders to enter the team time trial. The
ride today was really fun, and would have been downright giddy on fresh
legs, but we did really well even though a foreign (and heavier and lousier
at climbing) bike was in the mix.

So what are the final 7 day time results?

Best ride time (open mens): 25:02:15
Best ride time (open womens): 35:19:19
Best ride time (open mixed):32:16:28
Best ride time (open vets 80+):28:38:35
Best ride time (open vets 100+): 34:53:55

And how did team Winded do? Pretty good, but we are now thinking we reserved
a little too much in the 1st 3 days, as we found ourselves riding with a
whole new crew from day 4.
- 36:33 26 Ride time
- 14th/23 in our 80+ category

It is worth noting that *every* team n front of us is not from the flat
lands like Ontario, but from mountainous areas like the North Shore,
Colorado, etc. :-)

We are real happy that we
A/ finished ;-)
B/ didn't suck, and competed with people around us
C/ really enjoyed every single day of riding

Team Winded signing out and enjoining real life once again!!!

Stuart and Trevor.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Day 5 tbd :-)

Trevor and Stuart
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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