Thursday, July 5, 2007

Team Winded Day 5 trip report


Man-o-man today was singularly the most fun we've ever had mountain biking. Everyone crossed the finish line grinning like mad Chesire Cats. Todays ride ended with 10 km of downhill (750m) of the most exhilerating twisty, droppy, loamy, rocky, bermy, and *fast* track you could ever desire!! Another 58km day and 1400m elevation, comprised by 2 big hills. We started in the little town of Sechelt at sea level. Luckily we trained at altitude in Ottawa .....
We are now waiting for the ferry to go to Horseshoe Bay in Vancouver, and then onto a bus to head out to Squamish, for the final *big* day. We took extra recovery drink today :-)
We don't know the results yet for today, but we are pretty sure we're holding steady.
We've attached some photos for you viewing enjoyment.
Stuart and Trevor.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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